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About us

"We are two boys from Queens That shared a similar dream

We truly believe that health is much more valuable than wealth

Our products are dependable                 And have no added chemical

We make our product pleasurable so your experience is unforgettable

Come have a shot of wheatgrass We promise it wont be your last

Do not panic!                                         Agavi is organic! :)"



We definitely don't think so. What makes people truly happy is their well being... thus their HEALTH! 

Although money can't buy happiness, it sure as hell can buy health. Therefore HEALTH = HAPPINESS.. Makes sense??

That is why we believe in providing our customers with the best stuff on earth, and we mean THE best stuff. What does that mean you ask??..

I'll give you a hint it starts with an "O",and no we don't mean orgies, so get your mind out of the gutter people!

We're talking ORGANIC!!

Welcome to our family <3




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